
Thursday 16 April 2020

Scrapbooking Global April Blog Hop - Blast From The Past

Welcome to Scrapbooking Global April Blog Hop.
This month is Sherry Roth's first time to pick our theme
as part of her role in our Creative Design Team.
AND she picked a really cool theme...
There are 11 of us hopping today, so you will have plenty of cool ideas to see <3
If you are into Scrapbooking and use Stampin' Up! products check out our group

Thank you Sherry, it is one that you can adapt to any moment in time..
I chose to go back many years and use photos of my Paternal Great Grandparents...
I actually struggled with these photos...I think because of the colour it was.

Dad was reared by his Grandparents, as his parents worked on a very rural property.
So the small photo is Dad with his Parents, Aunts/Uncles and 1 cousin...
Dad is in the front, Sadly I do not know many details of these photo <3

    I used Woven Heirlooms Dies and Embossing Frames and
most of the matching products from this Woven Threads Suite.
I added some of the Sahara Sands Woven Threads Trim behind the photo
love the look of the tassels in this Trim, gives that vintage feel.


I borrowed the Heirloom Frames Dies and Embossing Folders from Mum,
this is the first time I used them....They are a lil tricky to line up BUT I got there in the end.
I used Rococo Rose on a dauber to add colour to the frame.

I also used some Embossing Paste to put behind the photo, I actually thing it needs a
bit of ink over the embossing to make it stand out against the Very Vanilla background.

As I said I struggled, still not 100% happy with my finished page.
The layout needs some kinda title BUT not quite sure what at them moment...
I chose to do the layout on Very Vanilla 12 x 12 as the Whisper White was too stark,
so that is why I think it needs something...What do you think?

I absolutely ADORE this Woven Threads DSP... I have created quite a few layouts with it...
The word FOREVER is from Sweet Silhouette Dies which I layered with 3 diecuts.

Products used were all from this Woven Threads Suite

Woven Threads DSP
Woven Heirlooms Cling Stamp Set

Woven Heirlooms Dies and Embossing FramesSahara Sands Woven Threads Trim 
Gray Granite Stampin Pad

Up next is Maï Chapelain, with what I am sure will be AWESOME too <3

I do hope that you enjoyed todays hop, don't forget to follow the Blog Hop
all the way round...If for some reason the link is broken click on the complete list below.
Thank you so much for visiting and if you would be so kind could you please leave me some
LOVIN in the form of a comment and I will do the same in return...
Thank you <3 Cheers Shaz

If you LOVE Scrapbooking like me, follow the link to purchase the PDF's for
Come Sail Away Scrapbooking Layouts - Released on April 1
Next month we are working with Painted Poppies <3

Use the Shop Now button to purchase any of these products featured tonight.
Please use April Host Code C3ZBDRPU at the bottom of your Shopping Cart,
You will receive Free Product from me with a Handmade Card.
Thank you for visiting my Blog today, I really do appreciate you taking the time.
Cheers Shaz



  1. Gorgeous layout, Shaz. I love that suite, and it really works well with this theme. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh Sharon.... Ces photos ont l air tellement anciennes... J adore les poinçons cadres décoratifs avec la photo. Merci à toi

  3. I love this - I don't think it needs a title - the forever does it for me

  4. Oh I think the words 'you and your family' totally work as a title!! I love the way you've used part of this stamped image!! Just perfect. Love the sponged frame and the ribbon. So many gorgeous details!!

  5. Terrific use of the whole product suite, one of my favorites. And I always love embossing paste used on any layout, nice job!.

  6. Oh I just love your pages Sharon! The colours are so pretty and work well with the colour of the photo. I like the way you have used the Heirloom Frames Dies and Embossing Folder to highlight the family portrait and also connect it physically to the main photo. Inking it was a brilliant idea. The use of Embossing Paste is brilliant and I like the subtlety of it.xx


Hope your day was AWESOME, and involved creating something that made your heart happy <3 Thanks for your comment, I appreciate you taking the time <3
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