
Tuesday 8 December 2020

The Spot #140 - Over The Top Christmas Card

This week we have a super fun challenge for you!  Bring your Biggest Baddest Holiday Project to this week's challenge it's a Holiday Throw-down!  Who will stand tall over all the competition and be crowned The SPOT Holiday Throwdown champion! 
It's all  on the table so anything goes! Cannot wait to see what you create <3

 Hello and welcome to my Blog, This week I have a FUN fold card for you for our theme.
I found this card via the internet search of Fun Fold Cards - Star Easel Card

A6 Size Card

A6 size card
OR a piece of A4 Night of Navy cardstock
cut in half along the long side and then folded in half.
You will end up creating 2 cards from the design...
So easy to make multiples when it is already cut from the first cut.

2 pieces of 3.3/4 x 5.1/4 Seaside Spray Cardstock,
cut both pieces from top left to bottom right.

2-4 pieces of  3.1/2 x 4.7/8 Trimming The Town DSP depending on whether you want different patterns like I did. Cut 1 piece from top left to bottom right and the other top right to bottom left. If you want them all the same then you just need to cut 2 pieces of pattern paper from top left to bottom right.

Rather than a small circular sentiment I chose to create a scene with
matching Trimming The Town DSP.


After watching the video several times I still made a mistake as to where to cut my
card slots to make it stand up straight within the back triangle part of the card.
BUT I got there in the end...Sticky Velcro Dots

Cut the slots on both sides at 3″ from the bottom of the card.
Cut this straight down approx 1" DO NOT ANGLE (like me)

So that I had room to write my message on the back of the card I cut another
3.3/4 x 5.1/4 Seaside Spray Cardstock, cut both pieces from top left to bottom right.
I adhered this to the back of my card and stamped my sentiment from
Itty Bitty Christmas Stamp set.

You will have to include instruction how it fits together when sending in the post.
You will also need a Envelope Punch Board to create an envelope big enough to fit
the card and all of it's components.

Thank you for joining me and I do hope that my card inspired you create your very own
Over The Top Holiday Card for this week's competition...Check it out here

Cheers Shaz




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Hope your day was AWESOME, and involved creating something that made your heart happy <3 Thanks for your comment, I appreciate you taking the time <3
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